


백용성스님의 역경활동과 그 의의


Ven. Baek Yong-sung's activity for translating Buddhist Scriptures and Its Meaning

한보광, 노권용

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The motive that ven. Y ong-sung took part in translating Buddhist Scriptures is, first of all, religious. At the age fourteen he received Buddha's predestination and then forgot it. At the age of forty-seven in his dream Buddha scolded him. He realized it as a hint and undertook to translate Buddhist Scriptures and to write books. Secondly, it was a national motive based on correct recognition of contemporary conditions. He recognized that due to the sudden change of circumstances time consuming Chinese can not cover all of modem subjects. Thirdly, it is a part of his independent activity. It seems to him that the activity of the translating Buddhist Scriptures was not only spreading Korean language, but also teaching ordinary Koreans national soul. Although it was very difficult, his motive and background of the translating Buddhist text made her continue to be translating Buddhist Scriptures. Among them the most distinguished work was to establish Samjangyyukhoi( {}7-J-~ :§:1 ). He registered it as a publishing company and through it he systematically translated Buddhist texts. After he received the pemnss10n from japanese government, it could do marketing, too. Moreover, he translated about 30 kinds of Buddhist sutras and wrote about 30 kinds of them. Among them the best was the translation of ~A vatamsaka sutraJ . And among his ideological works the representative work is ~Kakhaeillyun(Zf-5~ ~ -fr )J . Finally, his translating work was, first of all, systematic. He tried to set up certain system of Buddhist studies rather than depend on his personal taste. Moreover if he was not satisfied with his translating works, he tried to translate it over and over again. Secondly, he established Samjangyyukhoi( %Ad-~ §1) for this work Thirdly, he applied networks to the marketing. Finally, he utilized advertizement and used radical language change and dialogical style in his translation. After the Buddhist purification movement the united Buddhist Orders was established. It became Dongkuk Sutra Translation Center in 1964.


I. 머리말
 II. 한글 역경의 배경
  1. 신앙적 동기
  2. 시대적 동기
  3. 민족적 동기
 III. 역경활동
  1. 三藏譯會의 설립
  2. 본격적인 역경활동
  3. 『화엄경』의 번역
  4. 사상서 저술 및 번역
 IV. 역경의 의의
 V. 맺음말
 ‘白龍城스님의 譯經活動과 그 意義’의 논평


  • 한보광 Han, Bo-kwang. 대각사상연구원장, 동국대 선학과 교수.
  • 노권용 원광대 원불교학과 교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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