

도롱뇽 (Hynobius leechii) 수컷의 구애행동인 몸통흔들기를 유발하는 암컷인자


Female Cues to Evoke the Body Undulation of the Male Salamander Hynobius leechii

김주희, 박대식, 김자경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To determine which external cues from females evoke the body undulation of male Hynobius leechii, a representative courtship behavior, we examined visual, tactile, and chemical cues of females and also determined whether or not direct female contacts by males were required for males to receive female chemical cues. Each male was allowed to mate with a female before and after each cue treatment for 30 min. When only visual cues of females were allowed, fewer males conducted the body undulation, and the number of body undulation significantly decreased. Despite Co2+ exposure that destroyed the mechanosensory lateral line system of male salamanders, the number of males conducting the body undulation and the number of body undulation were not significantly changed. While, when both nostrils were blocked with sponges soaked to Vaselin, significantly fewer males conducted the body undulation and the number of body undulation decreased. When we allowed only partial contacts of males to females or completely blocked the contacts, but allowed exposure to female chemical cues, the number of males conducting the body undulation significantly decreased. These findings suggest that chemical cues of females who are freely interacting with males, not partial contacts, evoke the male body undulation.


 재료 및 방법
  1. 포획 및 관리
  2. 몸통흔들기를 유발하는 암컷인자의 검증
  3. 데이터 분석
  1. 암컷의 시각인자 검증
  2. 암컷의 촉각인자 검증
  3. 암컷의 후각인자 검증
  4. 암컷으로부터의 접촉성 혹은 비접촉성 후각요인 검증


  • 김주희 Joo-Hee Kim. 강원대학교 과학교육학부
  • 박대식 Daesik Park. 강원대학교 과학교육학부
  • 김자경 Ja-kyeong Kim. 강원대학교 생물학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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