

국내 도마뱀류의 개체표지법 적용을 위한 총설


A Review for Application of Marking and Individual Identification Methods of Lizards in the Republic of Korea

장민호, 오홍식

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Many types of ecological studies require the identification of individuals, which is frequently achieved by marking. The identification of individuals in the field can determine life history parameters of individuals, including the age at maturity, growth rates and longevity, etc. and can estimate the population size, rates of increase and survival, reproductive output, and recruitment levels. Methods for the identification of lizards involve a variety of marking techniques, such as toe clipping, scaled clipping, photographic identification, banding, painting, tagging and radio transmitter tagging. Due to the relatively small body size of lizards in the Republic of Korea, techniques such as toe clipping or painting are generally more appropriate for the identification of lizards than are techniques such as radio transmitter tagging, PIT tagging, and photographic identification.


 1. 서론
 2. 재료 및 방법
  1. 발가락 절단법 (Toe clipping method)
  2. 비늘 절단법 (Scale clipping method)
  3. 사진 확인법 (Photographicidentification method)
  4. 페인트 표지법 (Painting markingmethod)
  5. Tag을 이용한 방법 (Tagging method)
  6. 무선송신기 추적법 (Radio transmittertagging method)
 3. 결과 및 고찰


  • 장민호 Min-Ho Chang. 제주대학교 생물학과
  • 오홍식 Hong-Shik Oh. 제주대학교 과학교육과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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