

Shame And Healing


Choi, Chu-Hye

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper explored the nature of shame and possible assessment of it in psychologically and theologically. Shame often brings forth many negative effects such as depression among many people. In order to heal shame among people, this paper explored Kohut's psychological perspective and Patton and Capps' theological perspectives. According to Kohut, shame is a possible result due to the relationship between the self and the selfobject. It means that shame is the result of disturbed relationship with children and parents. In order to heal shame, he suggests that people have to obtain cohesive self through good relationship with the selfobject such as counselors which is based on empathy. When counselors understand clients with empathy, Kohut believes that clients can continue to grow and obtain the cohesive self. As a result of it, people can have a strength to resist unhealthy shame easily. The desires that were not satisfied in the past can be achieved through nontraumatic optimal environments by good selfobject in later. Patton and Capps also suggested revised practice in the church in order to heal shame. They pointed out that theology of sin and fearful image of God could be the important cause of shame among many people. Whenever many people violated certain criteria theology, they felt guilt and feared God's punishment. Under this, people often experienced negative self-evaluation and therefore blamed themselves which was to deteriorate the self. In respond to this, they suggested that the churches should look at and try to understand the injury of the people before judging people with theology of sin. Before seeing the result of behaviors, it is better to see why people behave like that way. Also, when God is understood as the being who continuously love and care for people, Capps believes that people can obtain their individual strength. This strength can guide people to deal with problem and failure constructively in their life journey. Therefore, in order to assess with shame appropriately, Korean churches also try to understand people's injury before encouraging them to forgive and humble, and should teach that God is loving and gracious being who understands people's injury.


I. Introduction
 II. Shame as Narcissistic Response
 III. Assessment of Shame
  1. Kohut's Response to Shame
  2. Theological Response to Shame
 IV. Theological Implication to Korean Church
 V. Conclusion


  • Choi, Chu-Hye Ph.D. Candidate at Claremont School


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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