

Commensality, Bob, and Eucharist


Lee, Chan-Seok

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



When I read John Dominic Crossan's writings on the historical Jesus, Jiha Kim's notion of Bab was going together with Crossan's notion of commensality. Furthermore, Crossan's notion of commensality and Jiha Kim's notion of Bab provoked me to rethink the eucharist. Namely, commensality, Bab (Babsang community) and the eucharist are deeply connected in my theological thinking. Therefore, this article tries to rethink the eucharist from the perspective of Crossan's notion of commensality and Jiha Kim's notion of Bab. Firstly, I will try to construct the life of Jesus based on Crossan's writings focusing on his notion of open commensality and free healing. Secondly, I will examine Jiha Kim's notion of Bab and describe Bab as the image of Jesus based on Crossan's theology. Finally, I will rethink the eucharist from Crossan's theology and Jiha Kim's thinking. The unique aspect of the eucharist can be said as the unification between materiality and spirituality. Even though baptism uses water, which is actually not spiritual but material, water does not enter into human being. However, in the eucharist Christians break the bread, and eat the bread and wine. Spirituality and materiality coexists in the eucharist. However, the material aspect of the eucharist is absorbing into the spiritual aspect. In other words, when practising the eucharist, only the spiritual dimension is emphasized. This brings us to focus on the fellowship between God/Jesus Christ and human being, namely, vertical fellowship. In the Lord's Supper, Jesus as 'the unbrokered broker' emphasized not only the vertical fellowship but also the horizontal fellowship through teaching 'serving life' to his disciples. Therefore, the eucharist should rediscover the horizontal fellowship through consisting of the suffering and voice of the people at the margin. In other words, the horizontal dimension of the Babsang community should retrieved in the eucharist. Furthermore, the vertical dimension of the eucharist should be retrieved in the Babsang community because Jesus transformed the closed commensality into the open commensality.


I. Introduction
 II. The Life of Jesus
  1. The Starting Point of Jesus's Mission: From Apocalypse to Eschatology
  2. Jesus' Mission : Jesus' Program for the Kingdom of God
 III. Bab as a Image of Jesus
  1. Jesus as Bab Unifying Materiality and Spirituality
  2. Jesus as Bab deconstructing Accumulation
  3. Jesus as Bab Becoming Mutual
 IV. Toward the Actualization of Commensality and Babsang Community in the Eucharist
 V. Conclusion


  • Lee, Chan-Seok Professor of Hyupsung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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