

The Development Strategies of Jeju Water Stories and Their Structure and Language


Seongbo Ko, Wonbo Kim, Hyo Kim, Sungyong Moon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Ko, Seongbo․Kim, Wonbo․Kim Hyo & Moon Sungyong. 2012. The Development Strategies of Jeju Water Stories and Their Structure and Words. Journal of Linguistic Studies 17(2), 117-133. We have seen the development strategies and the structure and linguistic function in the creation of stories. To produce Jeju water stories, Jeju legends and myths need to be used directly or indirectly. In addition, the target audiences should be considered. Stories, contents, story development methods and languages may be different according to who the target audiences are. Before the creation of stories, we need to focus on what messages we should convey to the target audiences throughout the stories. Jeju's clean environment, health and longevity images or the valuable memories and love image on the beautiful island may be used in the development of Jeju water stories. The major building blocks of a good story consist of the Three Act Structure; Act 1 (Beginning), Act 2 (Middle), and Act 3 (End). Moreover, words are vital tools to associate with specific things and ideas in our imagination to produce stories. (Jeju National University)


 1. Introduction
 2. The Types and Usefulness of Storytelling
 3. Water-related Storytelling in and out of Jeju
 4. Strategies to Develop Jeju Water Stories
  4.1 Target Audiences
  4.2 the Utilization of Jeju legends (myths)
  4.3 Messages
 5. The structure of storytelling and its languages
 6. Conclusion


  • Seongbo Ko Jeju National University
  • Wonbo Kim Jeju National University
  • Hyo Kim Jeju National University
  • Sungyong Moon Jeju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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