

Changes of Gelatinolytic Activity in Human Amniotic Membrane-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells during Culture in Hepatogenic Medium



The present study was conducted to investigate gelatinolytic activities in HAM and to determine whether there are any changes in gelatinolytic activity profiles when the cells are cultured in hepatogenic medium. Placenta was obtained during caesarean section of the volunteers, with informed consent. HAM were isolated from amniotic membrane using collagenase type A HAM were cultured in hepatogenic medium for 3 weeks and the conditioned media were obtained at day 7, 14 and 21. The zymographic pattern of gelatinolytic activity of the HAM did not undergo a change during passages. When the HAM were cultured in a fibronectin-coated dishes in a hepatogenic medium, there was no significant difference of the gelatinase pattern between before and after culture. However, when bFGF was added to the culture, a dramatic increase of 62kDa and 59kDa gelatinases was observed. Interestingly, when ITS instead of FN was present, HAM-conditioned medium also showed a similar increase of both gelatinases. Immunoblotting analysis demonstrated that both 62kDa and 59kDa gelatinases were the active form of MMP-2 resulting from the turnover of MMP-2 proform. Futher study will be necessary to determine the relationship between bFGF and active MMP-2 during hepatogenesis of HAM.




  • S. Park Department of Biotechnology, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul Women's University
  • M. Kook Department of Biotechnology, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul Women's University
  • H. Kim Department of Biotechnology, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul Women's University


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