Shin, Dongil & Park, Gina. “Exploring the misuse of language educational rights: In the context of high-stake test preparation for elementary school students.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 38.4 (2012): 323-351. The purpose of this study is to understand the Korean young English language learners (YELL) and test-takers studying TOEFL-iBT from the perspectives of human rights. The term 'human rights' is commonly associated with a legal or political concept, but it is also discussed in casual and everyday situations of life. This study tries to identify the mismatch between what has been documented from the literature in YELL and human rights, especially enunciated through international organizations, and what is really conventionalized in English language education in Korea. Interview data was obtained to explore the human right issues among young learners and test-takers of English in Korea. Three participants who have been preparing for the TOEFL-iBT were all sixth-grade female students. It was found that participants' rights of children, language learners, and test-takers were not fully valued in their TOEFL-iBT preparing contexts. It is hoped that this study would lead to awareness-raising movements for the children's rights in the field of English language learning and testing. It would raise the awareness of why the issues of human rights and ethics are needed to enlarge the related boundaries of professionalism in English language education. (Chung-Ang University, University of Toronto)
I. 서론
II. 아동 학습자의 특성과 아동 대상의 언어교육
III. 아동 영어학습자와 수험자의 권리
3.1 아동의 보편적 권리에 관한 국제기구 문서
3.2 아동 영어학습자의 권리
3.3 아동 영어수험자의 권리
IV. 아동 영어학습자 및 수험자의 권리 침해 사례
4.1 권리 침해 사례의 탐색적 수집
4.2 권리 침해에 관한 실제 예시
V. 결론