

학생구두발표 (석사과정)

Novel Media Formulation S trategy to Reduce Ammonium Production for CHO DG44 Cell Line in Chemically Defined Media




The control of glutamine concentration is very important for improve cell growth and recombinant protein as reducing ammonium concentration. Ammonium is toxic and inhibitory byproduct of mammalian cell metabolism at the end of typical recombinant protein production. The ammonium affects negatively both cell growth and recombinant protein productivity. The most of ammonium comes from glutamine metabolism and decomposition in media. So we have to control the concentration of glutamine for decrease of ammonium production. We have investigated about the chemically defined culture media formulation for Chinese Hamster Ovary DG44 (CHO-DG44) cell line for achieving a more efficient use of nutrients and avoiding the accumulation of byproducts in the media. Glutamine is one of the most commonly employed nitrogen source for mammalian cell culture. This amino acid not only supports cell growth and monoclonal antibody production but also can be used as alternative energy source and precursor of nucleotide. But glutamine products two ammonium ions during metabolism to alpha-ketoglutarate for Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle). When the ammonium level raise over than limitation of toxicity, mammalian cell can’t grow more. Because of this reasons, the media can’t contain high level glutamine, though glutamine is very important in mammalian cell culture. In this study we suggest simple solution to reduce ammonium product as control glutamine level in culture media. It is the novel method to product more recombinant protein for CHO DG44 cell in chemically defined media. And the strategy can improve productivity and will bring numerous commercial benefit.


  • EunChong YANG Department of Chemical Engineering Hanyang Univ, Seoul, 133-791.
  • HongWoo PARK Department of Chemical Engineering Hanyang Univ, Seoul, 133-791.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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