

학생구두발표 (석사과정)

Gelatin Porous Beads with Uniform Pores Using a Simple Fluidic Device



Monodisperse gelatin beads with a uniform pore size were fabricated from gelatin using a simple fluidic device fabricated with a Tygon tube, a syringe needle, and a glass capillary. Toluene and an aqueous gelatin solution are served as the discontinuous and continuous phases in the fluidic device, respectively. Oil-in-water emulsion droplets with a uniform diameter were pinched off from the tip of the capillary tube and subsequently frozen in liquid nitrogen. The frozen O/W emulsion droplets evolved into porous beads with a uniform pore size after removal of toluene and then freeze-drying. Due to the uniform size of toluene droplets in water phase, the porous beads exhibited a uniform pore size. The number and size of pores in the porous beads can be easily controlled by changing the flow rate of each phase.


  • Seung-Kwan MOON Dept. of Biotechnology, The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon, 420-743.
  • Myeong-Jin OH Dept. of Biotechnology, The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon, 420-743.
  • Seok-Joon HWANG Dept. of Biotechnology, The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon, 420-743.
  • Ji-Yeon CHU Dept. of Biotechnology, The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon, 420-743.
  • Sung-Wook CHOI Dept. of Biotechnology, The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon, 420-743.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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