

학생구두발표 (박사과정)

Transesterification in an Organic Solvent using Stabilized Subtilisin Carlsberg in Mesoporous Silica



Subtilisin Carlsberg (SC) from Bacillus licheniformis was immobilized and stabilized in magnetically-separable mesocellular silica (Mag-MSU-F), and used for the model synthetic reaction in an organic solvent. The SC stabilization was based on a ship-in-a-bottle approach, which consists of enzyme adsorption and crosslinking steps. In mesoporous silica with a bottle-neck pore structure, the crosslinked enzymes in larger mesocellular pores did not leach out through smaller window mesopores. As a result, crosslinked enzymes retained more than 66% of the initial activity even after ten times of reuse and for more than 15 days under rigorous shaking condition. On the other hand, free and adsorbed SC showed less than 1% and 2.8% of initial activities, respectively, under the same condition. Crosslinked SC were employed for the transesterification reaction of N-Ac-Phenylalanine ethyl ester with n-propanol in isooctane. Especially, the use of magnetically-separable mesoporous silica allowed for easy separation and recycled uses of immobilized enzymes, which is important for the practical applications of enzymes in fields.


  • Byoungsoo LEE Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University, Seoul Rep. Korea.
  • Ee Taek HWANG College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul, Rep. Korea.
  • Man Bock GU College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul, Rep. Korea.
  • Jungbae KIM Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University, Seoul Rep. Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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