

바이오나노 융합재료연구단 성과발표회

SK Innovation's GreenPol Foam from CO2




GreenPol is the tradename of the SK's environment friendly CO2 polymers synthesized from carbon dioxide and propylene oxide, etc. Microcellular polypropylene carbonate foams produced by a CO2 foaming process and their characterization regarding the influence of the pressure drop rate on the foaming behavior and the property of the final foamed products.GreenPol foams can be adapted to many applications such as construction thermal insulation, package for food and drink, and disposable tray etc.In this reasearch we investigate the GreenPol foams' possibility as an construction thermal insulation.We made thermally stable and high expanded poly(propylene carbonate) foams for construction thermal insulation. Most of the cell structures of this product were closed cells and the foamed ratio of the GreenPol foam were from 10 to 30 times comparing with the mini-pellet which is the base material before foaming process.The estimated demand of the foams for the construction application is more than 4 million tons, and the damand of the foams for the packaging is more than 1.5 million tons.


  • Younghyo PARK SK Innovation Global Technology.
  • Myung-Ahn OK SK Innovation Global Technology.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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