

영어 to­부정사절과 내부 통사구조의 통시적 변화


Diachronic Change in the to­infinitive Clauses and their Internal Structures in English


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper analyzes the spread of nonfinite subordinate clauses at the expense of finite ones in the history of English. A typical example which underwent structural changes is the derivation of to­infinitive clauses from that­clauses. Corpus data show that finite complement clauses were usually the norm in OE, but infinitival variants emerged from the late OE period and started spreading in the early ME period. The ongoing changes as such are to meet semantic and paradigmatic regularities as well as legibility condition at interface and the condition of economy in speech production. The semantic regularity implies that a matrix verb with the [+future]­feature expressing an activity or a state of mind should be conductive to the realization of the event structure referred to by a to­infinitive complement with the same feature. The paradigmatic regularity connotes that the distribution of a to­infinitive clause is confined by the distribution of a DP or ‘for+DP’ which functions as the logical subject of a to­infinitive and by that of the to­infinitive itself which functions as the complement of a matrix verb too. The result of diachronic change in the to­infinitive clauses and their internal structures in English is proved by the general rule that most of the propositional matrix verb selects a to­infinitive clause as its complement except indicative and subjunctive that­clauses and gerundive clauses in PDE.


 1. 머리말
 2. to부정사의기원과 발달
 3. OE의 to부정사절
 4. for to/forto부정사절
 5. 예외적 격표시 동사구조
 6. [for+DP+toVP]구문
 7. 맺음말


  • 박상수 Sangsoo Park. 부산외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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