This paper diachronically investigates the noun collocate of the Korean adjective chakhata in the collocation of ‘chakhan + NOUN’. Literally, chakhan is for expressing positive evaluation on human nature. Therefore, the adjective has a strong semantic preference for the semantic components related to people, their actions and attributes. However, the analysis shows that the semantic preference of chakhan has been changing during the last 22 years: the adjective started to demonstrate another semantic preference for the semantic features that are not directly relevant to human nature. This type of collocative clash indicates that chakhan is used not just literally but metaphorically in certain contexts and that the metaphorical meaning seems to reflect a collective intentionality of the Korean discourse community.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 연어(collocation)의 정의
2.2. 연어핵과 연어변의 관계에 관한 연구: 의미적 운율성(semantic prosody)과 의미적 선호성(semantic preference)
2.3. 워드넷의 명사 분류 체계
3. 연구 방법
3.1. 자료 수집
3.2. 자료 분석
4. 결과와 논의
4.1. 연구질문 (i): ‘착한’의 우측 첫 연어변으로 사용된 명사들은어떤 상위어(hypernym)로 범주화할 수 있는가?
4.2. 연구질문 (ii): ‘착한’의 우측 첫 연어변으로 사용된 명사의 종류는지난 22년 동안 변화가 있었는가?
5. 결론