

절주어의 범주적 비대칭에 대한 비교연구와 병렬이동


A Comparative Study of Categorial Asymmetry in Clausal Subject and Parallel Movement.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this article, I analysed the syntactic properties of clausal subjects from the structural perspective between English and French. In fact, whether the finite clauses are DP or CP is a very vague question which doesn't denote, in a sufficiently clear manner, the function between the structure of a category and its syntactic function. I observed that finite clauses might have not only syntactic properties of DP but also those of CP. In the course of this comparative analysis, I also verified that French clausal-subjects have more properties of CP than those of DP. Based on these syntactic distributions, I proposed that clausal subjects be moved on the left of a sentence. In consequence, I adopted the parallel movement of Chomsky(2008) and introduced this system in the clausal subject movement. I concluded that the parallel movement could account for the double properties of clausal subjects in these languages which represents not only argumental characters (A-movement) but also non-argumental characters(A'-movement).


 1. 서론
 2. 절주어의 DP적 특성과 영-불 비교
 3. 절주어의 CP적 특성과 영-불 비교
 4. 절주어의 이동 가능성과 병렬이동
 5. 결론


  • 김신호 Shin-ho Kim. 영산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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