Prosperity Theology and Its Homiletical Alternatives
The primary purpose of this article is to suggest an alternative for new revival in the Korean church, which has lately been stagnant due to the prosperity gospel. Churches in today’s world are really in a crisis. It would be fair to say that there are some painful problems in the pulpits of today’s churches. One of the most significant influences that has caused negative effects is the prosperity gospel, or the prosperity theology. What is the prosperity gospel? The prosperity gospel was heavily influenced by secular pragmatism. Prosperity gospel is the message that God wants you to be prosperous and, indeed, that God gives prosperity to favored people. Proponents of the prosperity gospel assert that we can become materially wealthy and healthy by praying the right kind of prayers and giving the right kinds of gifts. This gospel has been ascribed many names, such as the “name it and claim it” gospel, the “health and wealth” gospel, the “word of faith” movement, and the “gospel of success.” People who preach the prosperity gospel espouse some sort of “seed money” or “faith offering.” They tell us that if we do the right kinds of things, God will bless us. It is a very sophisticated technique that implies that we can manipulate God, but the prosperity gospel is constructed upon a faulty and incorrect theology. Many of its doctrines, including the teachings concerning wealth, are erroneous and wrong, which is why the prosperity gospel has had a harmful impact on contemporary preaching. We, therefore, conclude that using the “indicative+imperative” sermon pattern is the best option for true revival in the Korean church. This “indicative+imperative” pattern covers all of the three types of problematic sermons that are mentioned above. This sermon frame is an effective tool for balanced biblical preaching.
I. 들어가는 글
II. 펴는 글
1. 한국교회의 성장을 저해하는 요인
2. 한국교회 성장의 저해요인 분석 및 비평
3. 번영복음 혹은 번영신학의 문제성과 현대 설교에 끼친 폐해
4. 성경해석학적이고 구체적 설교의 대안적 실례
III. 나가는 글