

The Competitiveness Strategy of Korea International Exhibition Center (KINTEX)


Sochoon Lee, Randolph L Bruno

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objective of this study is to find out the competitiveness strategy that can draw a sustainable competitive advantage of an international venue in the exhibition and convention industry in Korea. In doing so, while this study collects diverse evidences through literature review, secondary data, and interview by questionnaire it uses strategic analysis frameworks to analyse both external and internal environments in which KINTEX faces. In consequent, this case study focuses on the KINTEX, as the largest venue in the country, identifies the several strategic issues or directions that ultimately consist of its competitiveness strategy. Finally, this suggests that the key challenge of the big venue lie in internationalisation strategy based on focused differentiation strategy that attracts or holds the large-scale exhibitions or conventions in overseas market in order to achieve the profitability.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Literature review
  1. The role of Exhibition and Convention Industry
  2. Taxonomy of the Research on Exhibition and Convention Industry
  3. Management Strategy in the Exhibition and Convention Industry
 Ⅳ. Research Methods
 Ⅴ. The case study of KINTEX
  1. The context of exhibition and convention industry in Korea and KINTEX
  2. The Analysis of External Environments
  3. The analysis of Internal Environments
  4. Current Business Strategies and Strategic Choices
 Ⅵ. Findings and Conclusion
  1. Findings
  2. Conclusions and Further Research


  • Sochoon Lee Gyeonggi Provincial Government, MSc, ECIB in The Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham
  • Randolph L Bruno The Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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