

The ways to launch the new exhibition in Hong Kong


Park, Hae Youel, John Ap

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Among the SME’s overseas marketing methods and strategies, participating in the prominent international exhibitions is considered as one of the best ways. So, KOTRA is running one domestic international fair (Seoul Food Expo) and funds to subside SME for the cost to participate in the overseas international exhibitions. The purpose of this study is to examine the feasibility of launching an international exhibition in HK. The client, KOTRA, want to get the basic information and analysis about Hong Kong Exhibition Industry, the advantages to organizing the exhibition in HK and the proposals. KOTRA should take into consideration of the factors mention above and take the next step forward to launch a new exhibition. And, the selection of Hong Kong as a venue for KOTRA’s first overseas exhibition can be recommendable because there are believed more positive factors than negative in Hong Kong in terms of both soft and hard infrastructure.


 Ⅰ. Background
 Ⅱ. Purpose : What KOTRA wants?
  1. Approach to consulting
  2. Objectives of this consultancy project
 Ⅲ. Introduction
  1. Overview of the Current Honh Kong Exhibition Industry
  2. The advantage for organizing the international fair in Hong Kong
  3. SWOT Analysis
 Ⅳ. Scope of exhibition industry
 Ⅴ. Proposals
  1. Basic facts to be considered before presenting the strategies
  2. Industrial Selection Strategy
  3. Market Strategy
  4. Pricing Strategy
  5. Allocation Strategy
  6. Technology Strategy
  7. Staffing Strategy
 Ⅵ. Future Development
 Ⅶ. Limitation of the Study
 Ⅷ. Conclusion


  • Park, Hae Youel KOTRA, Investment After Care Division. IMSc of Hotel & Tourism Management
  • John Ap Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Hotel & Tourism Management


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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