


교육대학원 일본어교육전공 석사학위논문(1982~2011년)의 주제 분석


Analysis on the Theme of the Thesis for Master’s Degree(1982-2011) Majoring in Japanese Education at the Graduate School of Education


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, theses for master's degree majoring in Japanese education at the graduate school of education in Korea were analyzed from 1982 to 2011. The major findings are as follows: (1) The total number of master's degree theses during the 30 years was 3,253 and it increased steadily from 1982 to 2006 (314 theses) but started decreasing from then on. The distribution of theses in terms of field of study were Japanese Education 1,352 (41.6%), Japanese Linguistics 879 (27.0%), Japanese Literature 842 (25.9%), and Japanology 180 (5.5%). (2) Among the theses on Japanese Education, analysis of the textbook were 480 (35.5%) and others were 872 (64.5%). The former mainly covered language and culture whereas the latter mainly covered teaching and learning (in particular language teaching, teaching materials/teaching tools). (3) Theses on Japanese Linguistics mainly covered vocabulary 262 (29.3%) and grammar 363 (42.3%). The former mainly covered voice and modality whereas the latter covered idiom and class word. (4) Theses on Japanese Literature can be divided into modern Japanese literature 676 (80.3%) and Ancient Japanese Literature 157 (18.6%). The former mainly covers the works of Natsume Soseki, Kawabata Yasunari, Akudagawa Ryunosuke, and Tarocchi whereas the latter covers the works of Japanese Literature in Edo Period, Japanese Literature in Heian Period, Japanese Literature in Middle Period, and Ancient Japanese Literature. (5) Thesis on Japanology mainly covers culture, history, and education. The above findings allows us to conclude that theses of Japanese education major at the graduate school of education cover more topics related to Japanese Education than Japanese Education. Also, the number of theses is decreasing since its peak in 2006.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 조사 자료의 석사학위논문
 3. 석사학위논문의 분류
 4. 석사학위논문의 주제 분석 및 고찰
 5. 맺는 말


  • 조남성 Cho, Nam-Sung. 한밭대학교 일본어과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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