


大学の教養日本語教材における日本語の接続形態  - 「テ」 「タリ」 「シ」を対象に -


A study on Japanese Language Textbooks for Liberal arts in Universities - Regarding the Connection Modes, ‘Te’ and ‘Tari’ and Si’ -

渡辺 美知子

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to investigate how connection modes of 「te」 「tari」 「si」 are used in five types of Japanese textbooks for liberal arts in National Universities located in Kyung-Nam province and Pusan. 1) The meaning and the order of frequency of use of 「te」 is 「competibility」 「reason」 「order」 「means」 「synchronismus」 「contrast」 「the result of hypothesis」 「adverse」 and each chapter from chapter one to chapter five seldom deals with 「te」. However, the frequency of 「te」 gradually increases from chapter 6 and it becomes high from chapter 6 to the last chapter in most textbooks. 2) The meaning and the order of frequency of use of 「tari」 is 「example」 「repetition」 「example (with single 「tari」)」 and there is an intensive increase in specific chapter from chapter ten. 3) The meaning and the order of frequency of use of 「si」 is 「accumulated arrangement」 「set-builder」 and most of the textbooks, it is addressed in the later chapters, especially one specific chapter. To improve our communication skill naturally, it is very important for students to use these connection modes such as 「te」 「tari」 「si」 appropriately, and that is also the main purpose of the language education. Thus, using the connection mode 「te」 from the first chapter with conversational situations like greeting or introduction and providing the meanings and functions of 「tari」 「si」 from the middle of the textbook helps users to learn the differences in each usage as well as the meanings much more effectively.


Ⅰ. 序論
 Ⅱ. 本論
  1. 「テ」「タリ」「シ」の意味ㆍ用法
  2. 教材に見られる「テ」「タリ」「シ」の用例
  3. 教材における 「テ」「タリ」「シ」の分布
 Ⅲ. 結論


  • 渡辺 美知子 Watanabe, Michiko. 경남대학교 사범대학 일어교육과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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