

정보통신 사업자간 전략적 협력 모델에 관한 연구



As convergence has been developed rapidly due to technology innovation and smart equipment like smartphone has emerged as a major communication instrument, every player in ICT industry has entered into new phase of competition. Domestic players are being taken to an ecosystem which is being configured by leading overseas players as old business models are being collapsed down due to radical changes in value chain. From the perspective of ecosystem theory, the competitive advantage of an ecosystem is obtained by linking all players’ distinctive competencies. To enhance competitive advantage of domestic ICT industry, there should be a strategy facilitating co-evolution of every participating players based on diverse forms of collaboration and competition. Thus this study draws collaborative priority of each participating player based its distinctive competencies and suggests strategic collaboration model of every participating


 이론적 배경
 ANP 분석
  평가기준 집합 및 요소 선정
  통제 계층도 구성
  일관성 및 쌍대비교
  가중치 분석
 결론 및 시사점


  • Jin Ho Kil School of Business, Han Yang University
  • Min Soo Shin School of Business, Han Yang University

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  • 4,000원

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