

계좌 이용 과정과 결과의 투명성이 온라인 뱅킹 이용자의 보안 인식에 미치는 영향


The Role of Control transparency and Outcome feedback on Security Protection in Online Banking

이은곤, 최지은, 이호근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Fostering trusting belief in financial transactions is a challenging task in Internet banking services. Authenticated Certificate had been regarded as an effective method to guarantee the trusting belief for online transactions. However, previous research claimed that this method has some loopholes for such abusers as hackers, who intend to attack the financial accounts of innocent transactors in Internet. Two types of methods have been suggested as alternatives for securing user identification and activity in online financial services. Control transparency uses information over the transaction process to verify and to control the transactions. Outcome feedback, which refers to the specific information about exchange outcomes, provides information over final transaction results. By using these two methods, financial service providers can send signals to involved parties about the robustness of their security mechanisms. These two methods – control transparency and outcome feedback – have been widely used in the IS field to enhance the quality of IS services. In this research, we intend to verify that these two methods can also be used to reduce risks and to increase the security protections in online banking services. The purpose of this paper is to empirically test the effects of the control transparency and the outcome feedback on the risk perceptions in Internet banking services. Our assumption is that these two methods – control transparency and outcome feedback – can reduce perceived risks involved with online financial transactions, while increasing perceived trust over financial service providers. These changes in user attitudes can increase the level of user satisfactions, which may lead to the increased user loyalty as well as users’ willingness to pay for the financial transactions. Previous research in IS suggested that the increased level of transparency on the process and the result of transactions can enhance the information quality and decision quality of IS users. Transparency helps IS users to acquire the information needed to control the transaction counterpart and thus to complete transaction successfully. It is also argued that transparency can reduce the perceived transaction risks in IS usage. Many IS researchers also argued that the trust can be generated by the institutional mechanisms. Trusting belief refers to the truster’s belief for the trustee to have attributes for being beneficial to the truster. Institution-based trust plays an important role to enhance the probability of achieving a successful outcome. When a transactor regards the conditions crucial for the transaction success, he or she considers the condition providers as trustful, and thus eventually trust the others involved with such condition providers. In this process, transparency helps the transactor complete the transaction successfully. Through the investigation of these studies, we expect that the control transparency and outcome feedback can reduce the risk perception on transaction and enhance the trust with the service provider. Based on a theoretical framework of transparency and institution-based trust, we propose and test a re-search model by evaluating research hypotheses. We have conducted a laboratory experiment in order to validate our research model. Since the transparency artifact (control transparency and outcome feedback) is not yet adopted in online banking services, the general survey method could not be employed to verify our research model. We collected data from 138 experiment subjects who had experiences with online banking services. PLS is used to analyze the experiment data. The measurement model confirms that our data set has appropriate convergent and discriminant validity. The results of testing the structural model indicate that control transparency significantly enhances the trust and significantly reduces the risk perception of online banking users. The result also suggested that the outcome feedback significantly enhances the trust of users. We have found that the reduced risk and the increased trust level significantly improve the level of service satisfaction. The increased satisfaction finally leads to the increased loyalty and willingness to pay for the financial services.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
 III. 연구모형 및 가설
  3.1 인지된 거래 위험과 신뢰 믿음
  3.2 이용자 경험
 IV. 연구 방법
  4.1 변수의 조작적 정의
  4.2 자료 수집
 V. 분석 및 결과
  5.1 측정 모델
  5.2 구조 방정식 모델 및 가설 검증
 VI. 토의 및 시사점
  6.1 학술적 기여
  6.2 실무적 기여
  6.3 연구의 한계점 및 향후 추진 방향
 VII. 결론


  • 이은곤 Un-Kon Lee
  • 최지은 Ji Eun Choi
  • 이호근 Ho Geun Lee


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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