

Trust of Customers on Online Viral Marketing




This study investigates the effect of online viral marketing in perspective of trust, especially when the viral marketing posts have so specific information of a product or a service that readers are likely to suspect that the posts are written by sellers or service providers; this includes when advertising practitioners pretend as if they are customers and write positive and advertising reviews or recommendations on online forum or review board for themselves, or even when real customers who have experienced a product or a service write too positive and lauding reviews that may be suspected as advertisement. Although viral marketing has received considerable attention in e-business area, the actual effect of viral marketing is little known. Our research demonstrates how users’ trust and behavioural intention to visit or use services with reviews that are suspected as viral marketing advertisement. We developed a simulated website for asking any questions and sharing experience, review, and knowledge. Two question-and-answer situations are simulated; one of the two simulated situation of the viral marketing providing information with advertisement was randomly shown to the participants: 1) professional information with viral advertisement 2) general information with viral advertisement. Then, what they perceived and thought about the situation was surveyed. In the survey, perceived article quality, trust, attitude, and behavioural intention to use are measured. With a structured equation model the data were analyzed. The results explain the effect of viral marketing to the users’ perception by demonstrating trust. The results extend the understanding of the viral marketing and guide online marketing practitioners to well advertise their products and services in order for online users to access to the service and to use the service.


 Literature Review
  Online Viral Marketing
  Perceived Quality
 Research Model and Hypotheses
 Research Methods and Results
  Research Methods


  • Hyerin Kim Department of Social Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science LSE, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE, UK


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