

중국의 병원 전 응급의료체계 개선방안


Improvement of the pre-hospital emergency medical service system in China

Wang Chengying, 최은숙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose : Emergency medical services in China are increase in demand by people and under the greater pressure than ever before. So it is, necessary to advance the pre-hospital system in order to promote the development of emergency medical services. Methods : This is based on China-related articles, books, journals, reports, statistical data and other literature. Results : First, pre-hospital emergency medical care with the introduction of specialist training program should be established. Second, to strengthen pre-hospital emergency services and to develop the EMS guidelines. Third, the "120" reporting systems unification and awareness activation. Fourth, the preparation of the EMS facilities equipment system. Fifth, the rapid transport system establishment to the selected medical institutions. Conclusion : It is necessary to strengthen the emergency medical personnel at the scene, rapid transport, rapid patient triage and to improve the survival rate of the patients.


 I. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
  2. 연구의 방법 및 제한점
 II. 본론
  1. 중국 병원 전 응급의료체계의 발전과정
  2. 중국 병원 전 응급의료체계의 단계 유형
  3. 중국 병원 전 응급의료체계의 구성요소
  4. 중국 병원 전 응급의료체계의 개선방안
 III. 결론


  • Wang Chengying 공주대학교 건강산업연구센터 연구원, 응급구조사
  • 최은숙 Eun-Sook Choi. 공주대학교 간호보건대학 응급구조학과 교수, 건강산업연구센터장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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