

구약성서의 배경과 문화

북이스라엘 난민 유입 가설 재고: 성서 문헌의 형성사에 끼치는 영향을 중심으로


Rethinking the Northern Israelite Refugee Theory


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Rethinking the Northern Israelite Refugee Theory Koog-Pyoung Hong, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Theology Seoul Jangsin University It has been commonly assumed that a group of northern refugees flooded into Jerusalem after the fall of Samaria (722 BCE) and they played an important role in the ensuring religious reform in Judah. This essay reconsiders the biblical, historical, and archaeological evidence and explores its implications. The Hebrew Bible is almost entirely silent about any mass immigration from northern Israel to Jerusalem. The archaeological evidence of the expansion of the Jerusalem wall, which does prove a major societal change in Judah around the 8th century BCE, still remains inconclusive in proving the influx of northern refugees. Against the underlying assumption that the doomed Israelites would have found refugee in Judah given their ethnic tie, it is pointed out that the realpolitik around Judah and Israel at the wake of the Assyrian threat may not have allowed Hezekiah to accept Israelite refugees. To question the refugee theory is not to categorically reject the influx of Israelites; it is rather to critically rethink the implications of the ambiguity around this theory. While it is true that the refugee theory helps resolve many difficult questions around the composition history of biblical literature, the efficacy of the theory does not ensure its validity. As the uncritical basis of the theory lays bare, one must reconsider its implications to theories that are dependent upon the refugee theory. An uncritical acceptance of the refugee theory frequently resulted in a failure to pay attention to a complex dynamic involved in Judean's creative reception and reinterpration of the old Israelite tradition. It is suggested that in order to better understand this critical period in which Judah found a new self identity and went through a critical theological revolution, one must pay attention to the subtile dynamic between Judah and Israel at the aftermath of the Assyrian conquest. This will lead into a new way of understanding of the composition history of the texts that were composed or compiled in this period.


이 논문은 북왕국 난민 유입 가설을 비판적으로 재고하는 것을 목적으로 성서적, 고고학적, 역사적 증거를 조사한다. 필자는 난민 가설의 주된 근거로 사용되는 예루살렘 성벽 확장이 북왕국 난민의 유입을 증명하지 못함을 밝히고 그것이 신명기의 기원과 같은 여타 이론에 미치는 함의를 다룬다.


1. 서론
 2. 고고학적 증거
 3. 북이스라엘 난민 가설의 문제
 4. 난민 가설의 무비판적 수용의 문제
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌 목록


  • 홍국평 Koog-Pyoung Hong. 서울장신대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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