The ritual excommunication molded in the ninth to tenth centuries widely spread over medieval Europe during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries having been contained in the bishop’s pontifical. Although in the High Middle Ages it was to be a general appearance that excommunication was sentenced in the ecclesiastical courts, the records of ritual excommunication still remained by the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. While ‘Occasional excommunication formulae’ and ‘Pontificale Romano-Germanicum formulae’ began to build forms of ritual excommunication, ‘Auctoritate dei formula’ showed the strong intention to force the ritual excommunication more strongly on the faithful. Accordingly ‘auctoritate dei formula’ set forth the long list of authorities and the various kinds of curse, so that showed an attempt to maximize the horror of malediction. In comparison to it, Mende formula and general formula were composed simplifying the punishments and prohibitions, and almost removing the curses. The reason why the ritual excommunication took places since the tenth century can be explained in the political confusion of northern Europe. The social security was damaged by the Norman invasions, and the political and military center was destructed due to the dismantling of Carolingian dynasty. There was almost no secular power who was able to give supports to church to prevent misbehavior. Under the circumstances like those, church could not help dealing with social criminals by herself, and a way of increasing effectively the power of excommunication was to strengthen the force of excommunication. It was the political and social circumstances that ‘auctoritate dei formula’ which maximized the cursing ingredients of excommunication had been appeared in south-eastern and north-eastern France. The pronouncement form of excommunication took a significant changing process in the late twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Not only the decretal collections had its apogee in Decretum of Gratian, but also church court was to be systematically organized in the twelfth century. A series of decretal collections and the systematic debates on them from the time of the third Lateran Council(1179) and the fourth Lateran Council(1215) to the collection of Decretal of Gregory IX accelerated such inclination. With the decrease of ritual excommunication, the sentence of excommunication transferred to the ecclesiastical court. Moreover, that the ‘general excommunication formula’ was to be used with a new type of automatic sentence of excommunication as ‘latae sententiae,’ was another reason of those decrease.
Ⅱ. 신의 권위 파문장
Ⅲ. 멍드(Mende)의 파문장
Ⅳ. 일반 파문장
Ⅴ. 맺음말