

태평양전쟁시기 제국일본의 군신만들기 -『매일신보』의 조선인특공대(‘神鷲’) 보도를 중심으로-


太平洋戦争時期における帝国日本の軍神作り -『毎日新報』の朝鮮人特攻隊(‘神鷲’)報道を中心に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study focused on the fact that the Empire of Japan created war heroes in order to mobilize people to send the Pacific War; especially, as the war of aggression expanded, war heroes who committed suicide attacks appeared in Korea as well, which was the colony of Japan. The concept of war heroes who devoted their own lives to the Japanese empire and the emperor was utilized by the Japanese Government-General of Korea and its army for the sake of elevating the war morale and exploiting the human and material resources from Korea. For the purpose of idolizing Matsui Hideo (Korean name: In Jae-woong), who participated in the Kamikaze mission and was killed in action of the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the Japanese Government-General of Korea and its army tried all the way to mobilize writers, intellectuals, artists, youths, children, Koreans living in China and the Korea living in Japan. One daily newspaper in Korea(󰡔毎日新報󰡕) continually highlighted the death of Matsui everyday and encouraged people to follow the spirit of Matsui by the ways such as volunteering the army, volunteering the comfort women, offering cereals, achieving the goal of savings and increasing the products. However, revering Matsui as a war hero just 3 days after he had died was not enough to idolize him; moreover, there was a risk of facing criticism that Japan did let the young man dead. Therefore, the Empire of Japan, which was preparing for the Battle of Okinawa, needed to create a better war hero. Kiyohara (Korean name: Han Jeong-sil) graduated from the Japanese Army Youth Aviation Corps with very good performance. He was considered as one of whom internalizes the ideology of the Japanese empire so perfectly. The diary of Kiyohara released in a daily newspaper showed his resolutions to use Japanese every day, follow the empire’s rules, and shoot down the big battleship for the Empire’s sake. According to the diary, he was very touched with Abe Nobuhiro, who took part in special unit as the son of the Japanese Government-General of Korea and had willingness to commit a suicide attack for the Japanese empire. As the war situation was worsened with Okinawa fallen and Germany surrendering, the Empire of Japan confronted the last battle. It installed the branch of Kamikaze headquarters in Korea in order to mobilize more young Koreans into the war. The empire desperately needed the 2nd or 3rd Kiyohara who could help himself to follow the Empire.




Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 九軍神과 ‘하늘의 군신’ 加藤少将
 Ⅲ. 최초의 조선인특공대 전사자 마쓰이 오장 군신만들기
 Ⅳ. 최후의 조선인특공대 전사자 기요하라 오장 군신만들기
 Ⅴ. 맺으며


  • 이형식 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 연구교수, 일본근현대사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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