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댐퍼의 두께와 재질 변화에 따른 초전도 선재에 미치는 자장특성 분석


Analysis of Magnetic Field of Superconducting Winding According to the Changed Damper Thickness and Material

정재식, 이상호, 홍정표, 조영식

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Superconducting windings of synchronous machine have to be operated in below the critical temperature, critical current density and critical magnetic field. If one of these characteristics does not satisfied, then the quench occurred in superconducting winding. Especially the armature current dramatically increased as the super- conducting generator is short-circuited at the rated load condition and magnetic field in field winding increased due to the armature current. Therefore, damper is required to reduce the magnetic field of field winding which increases reliability of the superconducting generator. Damper dimension can be decided by time constant[1-2]. In this paper the basic model is high-power and low-speed superconducting generator. Damper time constant was calculated from the changed damper thickness and material. Magnetic flux of field coil at the basic model and changed damper time constant model is analyzed.


 1. 서론
 2. 본론
  2.1. 해석모델
  2.2. 댐퍼설계
  2.3. 해석 방법 및 결과
 3. 결론


  • 정재식 Jae-Sik Jeong. 학생회원, 한양대학교 자동차공학과
  • 이상호 Sang-Ho Lee. 정회원, 한양대학교 미래자동차공학과
  • 홍정표 Jung-Pyo Hong. 정회원, 한양대학교 미래자동차공학과
  • 조영식 Young-Sik Jo. 정회원, 한국전기연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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