A comparative Study on the Meaning shift and Meaning extension of Taste-terms, focused on Sweet-taste Adjectives in Korean, German and English
This paper aims to compare the meanings of sweet-taste adjectives in Korean, German and English. According to previous studies, it is well-known that sweet-taste adjectives show the highest frequency in usages among various taste adjectives. This paper is based on the assumption that the expressions of taste adjectives may reflect the cultural and linguistic characteristics of speakers because taste adjectives are closely related to the food life which is one of the important aspects of the human culture. In this paper, first, the morphological and semantic characteristics of Korean, German and English sweet-taste adjectives are surveyed, and various expressions with sweet-taste adjectives are observed and analyzed with concrete examples in contexts of each language. In particular, the various aspects of the meaning shift and meaning extension are intensively examined.
1. 들어가기
2. 한국어, 영어, 독일어 단맛 표현 형용사의 형태적, 의미적 특징 개관
3. 한국어, 영어, 독일어 단맛 표현 형용사의 의미 전이 및 확장 양상
3-1 한국어, 영어, 독일어 단맛 표현 형용사의 의미 전이 및 확장 양상 비교
3-2 한국어, 영어, 독일어 단맛 표현 형용사의 의미 변화 양상 비교
4. 한국어, 독일어, 영어 단맛 표현 형용사의 의미전이 및 확장 양상 비교 및 정리
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