


Comparing the application of social network service with existing method on the efficiency and velocity of spreading mobilization order - Based on the circumstance of Ulchi focus lens training of South Korean military -


기존의 예비군 동원 방식과 소셜네트워크를 응용한 새로운 동원 체계의 효율 및 확산 속도 비교연구 -을지 포커스 렌즈 훈련 상황 전제–

Ki-Seok Sung, Sung-Woo Kang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since June 25th 1950, the beginning of the cold war (Korean war), Korean peninsula is still in a state of war. Officially South and North Korean government call a truceafter three years from the beginning day, however both countries are still having several combats in these days. So every Korean citizen male has duty for serving military duty and this lasts even after the serving regular military force, as reserved military. Although South Korea is very small country, the size of military is very large so informing all reserved military takes some time. Since this nation is confronting the enemy and considering the global potential threat, South Korean military needs expedite informing system to call up the reserved military to active duty. In this project, the current informing system has been analyzed and compared with the new method which is using social network service such as Twitter. However mobilization order is very critical. So in our new model there are two ways combined. Using twitter to inform and then use traditional ways to finish the order. This method will provide more efficient and accurate way to cover the call ups.


 1. Introduction
 2. Problem definition
 3. Back ground research
  3.1. Ulchi Focus Lens
  3.2. The academic and practical review of efficiency of SNS
 4. Analysis
  4.1. Current Method
  4.2. New Method using Social Network Servicc
 5. Result & Discussion
 6. Further Work


  • Ki-Seok Sung 성기석. 펜실베니아 주립대학교 산업제조공학과 박사과정
  • Sung-Woo Kang 강성우. 펜실베니아 주립대학교 산업제조공학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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