





피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The paper mainly researched the philosophical consideration of issues of death by Zheng Min, who is the representative poet in contemporary literature history of China. Although her poem style has been changed several times, she sought the truth from the view of philosophy all the time as a Nine Leaves School poet. She thought about the issues of people and lifetime, death included, in order to analyze metaphysical problems such as the meaning and value of people. She made a significant contribution to Chinese contemporary poetry. Death is the biggest tragedy for human absolutely. However, it also influences their survival powerfully indeed. The analysis on death could be changed into important resource s for life planning. Because of this, there is a so huge irresistible allure on her. She researched the issues since 1940s and gave many insightful viewpoints. Her poetry grasps the issues between dead or alive, so her thesis on living and dying is based on western attitudes and profound Oriental philosophy. The thesis also improved with her personal experience. In her poetry, death became the object to travel together or surpass afterwards from a scared one, then turned into a metaphysical problem which is inevitable in lifetime. In order to grasp this mysterious field better, she visited and discussed the world by poetry, then gave out many thoughtful and insightful viewpoints on this inevitable issue. There are so many reasons why she so cares the issues, but the principal one is that it has a close relationship with living. Zheng Min analyzed the mystery and essence of death in poetry. She pondered the relationship among death, life, history and eternal from the point of view in life philosophy. She did dialectical thinking on death and life. Her cognition on death reflected her complete disillusion on life.


1. 序论
 2. 与死亡抗衡—郑敏初期诗歌中的死亡观
 3. 携手死亡、 超越死亡—郑敏中后期诗歌中的死亡观
 4. 探讨死亡目的在于生—郑敏生与死的辩证法
 5. 结论


  • 郑冬梅 정동매. 중국 산동대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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