This research is conducted with the purpose of proposing the academic idea to framework for the higher education institutions in present Japan. The higher education institutions were subject to the influence of an education policy, and have changed. As a result, the border of the higher education institutions became vague. As the first step to clear the problem, the author tried to clarify the expansion and the diversification of the universities characteristics in Japanese higher education policies. As a result, there was not the change of the universities characteristic in Japanese higher education policy. But, the author elucidated that the factor of change was in a relation of the universities and the professional training colleges.
2. 現在の日本における高等敎育機關の種類と法的位置づけによる分類
3. 法律上の定義の變化
4. 量的擴大と政策の變化
5. 質的保障
6. 境界のあいまい化の要因
7. おわりに