

해양스포츠이벤트 개최지 지역주민의 지역애착도와 태도 관계


Study on the Relationship between the Community Attachment and Attitude of Local Residents of a Marine Sports Events Venue


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to inquire into the effects of the community attachment of local residents of the host area of marine sports events and the formation of the behavior of such local residents and, with the support of the local community of the host area, provide a basic database necessary for the establishment of measures for the sustainable development and tourism development of marine sports events. To achieve such purpose, this study selected the local residents of Jeongok harbor, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do where the 2010 Gyeonggi International Boat Show and Korea Match Cup was held from June 9, 2010 until June 13, 2010, as the sample group. The convenient sampling method was used as the sampling method and a total of 203 survey samples were collected. The statistics analysis methods used in this study are frequency analysis, multiple regression analysis and moderating effect analysis. Through such study method and procedures, this study arrived at the following conclusions. First, economical factor had an effect on dependence, social friendship and identity, in such order; and among these, identity showed a negative impact. Social cultural factor had an effect on social friendship and dependence; however, it did not have a significant effect on identity. Environmental factor had an effect solely on social friendship and did not have any effect on identity or dependence. Secondly, with respect to the effect relationship between the community attachment and behavior of local residents, the residency period, a local resident attribute, had a moderating role. If the behavioral difference could be explained based on the personal characteristics of local residents, it will substantially contribute in influencing the participation of local residents for the successful hosting of sporting events.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
  1. 해양스포츠이벤트
  2. 지역애착도
  3. 지역주민의 태도
 Ⅲ. 연구설계
  1. 연구모형
  2. 가설설정
  3. 변수의 조작적 정의 및 설문지 구성
  4. 조사대상 및 분석방법
 Ⅳ. 실증분석
  1. 표본의 인구통계학적 특성
  2. 신뢰도 및 타당성 검증
  3. 가설 검증
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김종규 Jongkyu Kim. (재)경기도 수원월드컵경기장관리재단, 경기대학교 이벤트․국제회의학과 박사수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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