

Unraveling In-service EFL Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge


Jun-Jie Tseng, Yuh-Show Cheng, Chih-Cheng Lin

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The success of technology integration lies in teachers as designers of technology, pedagogy, and content. Their creativity in this regard involves technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK). In light of limited studies on EFL teachers’ TPCK, this study examined the TPCK of three junior high EFL teachers attending a 12-week CALL workshop in Taiwan through lesson plan analysis and stimulated recall. Results show that these teachers demonstrated a common, though somewhat different, understanding of technology integration in EFL teaching contexts. Specifically, they demonstrated a common knowledge of prioritizing grammar teaching through computer technology and a common preference for incorporating PowerPoint, Hot Potatoes, weblog, and the Internet into language teaching. Their use of technology in teaching further suggests a common understanding that technologies could be integrated into traditional teaching sequence and instructional strategies. These findings help build an understanding of EFL teachers’ application of computer technologies to their teaching contexts.


  Research Setting
  Data Collection
  Data Analysis
  The Subject Matter Chosen to be Taught with the Computer
  The Technologies Selected to Support Teaching
  Teaching Strategies Employed to Facilitate Teaching
  Contextual Constraint
  The Teachers’ Understanding of Particular Language Components Suitable for CALL Tasks
  The Teachers’ Preference for Particular Technologies
  Sustaining Existing Teaching Strategies with Technology


  • Jun-Jie Tseng National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
  • Yuh-Show Cheng National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
  • Chih-Cheng Lin National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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