

Science and Engineering Students’ Attributions for Success and Failure in the EFL Classroom


Kitcha Thepsiri, Punjaporn Pojanapunya

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Attribution for success and failure can be conducive to academic motivation, learning achievement, and learning expectations. This study investigated students’ attributions for success and failure in learning English to find out whether or not their attributions differed according to the level of English proficiency. Two versions of questionnaires focusing on successful and unsuccessful learning experiences, including explanations for their success and failure, were distributed to 356 firstyear university students majoring in engineering- and science-related fields in Bangkok, Thailand. The results show that the students considered grades, teacher influence, classroom atmosphere, and effort as the factors that facilitated success, while they considered lack of ability, inappropriate learning strategy, lack of preparation, and lack of effort as failure attributions. The level of proficiency was found to be a factor influencing the formation of different views on attributions for success and failure. The results suggest that teachers and stakeholders in ELT should deal effectively with students’ attributions in order to enhance student motivation and to facilitate expectations for success.


  Research Instrument
  Research Procedures
  Students’ Causal Attributions for Success and Failure in English Language Learning
  A Comparison of Causal Attributions for Success and Failure between High English Proficiency Students and Low Proficiency Ones


  • Kitcha Thepsiri King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
  • Punjaporn Pojanapunya King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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