

Collocation and Idiom Problems in Secondary Pupils’ Writing in Brunei Darussalam



Through his work in corpus linguistics, Sinclair (1991) postulated two types of language production. In the first, the ‘open choice’ principle, each word produced carries independent meaning. The second principle, the ‘idiom principle’, is based on the notion that the choice of one particular word is responsible for the choice of other words in the immediate environment. This paper looks at the writing of a variety of text types of a wide range of pupils in the bilingual Bruneian secondary school system, and makes use of Sinclair’s principles to describe the transitional stages of their language development from learner English to their target, Standard British English. The results show that language produced by the idiom principle such as phrasal verbs, even common ones, is likely to be problematic for many pupils. Secondly, idioms and strong collocations may be problematic for all pupils including those with very advanced English. Based on these results, the paper offers recommendations for classroom methods and materials based on some of the principles of language awareness.


  The Participants
  Data Collection Instruments
  The Corpus
  Data Analysis
  Sub Corpora
  Overview of the Use of ‘Look’
  Look with a Preposition of Direction Meaning to Look in a Particular Direction Rather than at a Particular Object or Person
  ‘Look for + NP’ (to Search)
  ‘Look Forward to + v-ing’ (to Anticipate in a Positive way)
  ‘Look Through +NP’ (to Browse)
  Pupils’ Use of ‘Look + at’
  Analysis of ‘Look + in the Mirror’
  Comparing Learner Output with Acceptable Models
  Using Corpora
  Language Awareness Using the First Language


  • Alex Henry Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
  • Alistair Wood Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
  • Adrian Clynes Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
  • Malai Ayla Surya Malai Hj Abdullah Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei


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