

Late Immersion in Hong Kong: A Pedagogical Framework for Integrating Content-Language Teaching and Learning


Stella Kong

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Despite a long history of publicly-funded English immersion education, late immersion in Hong Kong is not achieving the dual goals of content and second language learning at levels that an immersion curriculum can expect. The growing importance of English in the Asia Pacific region places an urgent demand on Hong Kong, and indeed its neighbouring cities and countries, to improve language-in-education policies and practices. To support the improvement of an aspect of practice within the late immersion curriculum, this paper offers a pedagogical framework for integrating content and second language teaching and learning to guide late immersion pedagogy. The proposed framework draws on three main sources of knowledge: first, the concepts of knowledge structures, text structures and language objectives; second, some of the teaching and learning problems observed in late immersion classrooms in Hong Kong; third, extensive experience of working with teachers who have attended an in-service immersion teacher education programme.


  Literature Review
  Teaching and Learning Problems: Teacher Discourse and Student Writing
  The Framework and its Applications


  • Stella Kong Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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