

Different Shades of the Collective Way of Thinking : Vietnamese and Chinese International Students’ Reflection on Academic Writing


Ly Thi Tran

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Investigating ELF/ESL students’ experiences in constructing their academic written texts seems to be of great significance in EFL/ESL writing syllabus design and teaching. The case study reported in this paper explores the underlying factors which shape students’ ways of supporting ideas in academic essays in English. Drawing on Lillis’ (2001) framework for exploring student writing, the study examines the writing experiences of students from Vietnam and mainland China at an Australian university. Based on the students’ reflection on their different ways of meaning making, this paper argues for the need to challenge the tendency to essentialize cultural rhetoric patterns and their effects upon Chinese and Vietnamese students’ writing in English as a foreign or second language. Several implications for teaching EFL/ESL writing have also been drawn from the findings of this study.




  • Ly Thi Tran University of Melbourne, Australia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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