

Motivation and Attitudes Toward Foreign Language Learning as Socio-politically Mediated Constructs : The Case of Korean High School Students


Tae-Young Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper investigates socio-political aspects of English as a foreign language (EFL) learning motivation and attitudes toward Americans and toward English learning among Korean high school students. I analyzed the nature of situation-specific language learning motivation and attitudes among 364 Korean high school students who completed questionnaires about EFL learning and an English proficiency test. Factor analyses revealed seven motivational factors, including a situation-specific competitive motivation across gender and age groups. This debilitative motivation might have been due to the negative washback of the nation-wide high-stakes test of college admission. A negative correlation was identified between the attitudes toward Americans and English proficiency, which might be attributed to anti- American sentiment among young Koreans. The results suggest that EFL motivation should be considered as a dynamic construct reflecting the socio-political dimensions of Korean EFL learners’ educational contexts.


  Design and Procedures
  Korean EFL Learners’ Motivation
  Korean EFL Learners’ Attitudes Toward Americans and English Learning
  The Impacts of Motivation and Attitudes on English Proficiency Test
  The Competitive Motivation
  The Negative Attitudes Toward Americans


  • Tae-Young Kim OISE/University of Toronto, Canada


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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