

EFL Communicative Language Teaching within a Framework of Response-Oriented Theory


Hae-Ri Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigated the language learning processes and literary experiences of Korean adolescent students enrolled in a literature-based program. This study utilized practitioner research in which the researcher bridged the gap between theory and practice by teaching an EFL class and carrying out research with the intention of changing her own teaching practice. Data collection consisted of audio-recordings of classroom conversations and interviews, students’ writing in and outside of the classroom, a survey, the teacher’s field notes, and other classroom documents. Data was analyzed to address the following research questions: 1) How do young EFL learners in a literature-based communicative language learning context respond to literary texts? and 2) What is the role of the classroom teacher who promotes responses from EFL learners in response-oriented communicative language instruction? Data analysis revealed 1) that the students perceived the use of literature as a new and effective way of learning English; 2) that the students’ experience went beyond language learning; 3) that the teacher promoted oral and written communication that focused on responses to the literature used. Considering the impact of literature on the EFL students, the author suggests implementation of literature-based instruction and further studies in EFL settings.


  Communicative Language Teaching
  Transactional Theory of Reading
  Research Design
  Data Collection and Analysis
  A New Experience of Language Learning
  Moving Beyond Language Learning
  Promoting Communicative Language Learning


  • Hae-Ri Kim Seoul National University of Education, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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