

Teaching Creative Writing in English : An Innovative Means of University-level EFL Education


Sui Gang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper (1) introduces an innovative way of improving EFL learners’ thinking strategies and their writing skills, (2) represents possibilities in the organic blending of Western educational principles and literary classics with the actual teaching of English creative writing in China, and (3) opens up broad prospects for direct intercultural communication between and among learners and users of English all over the world. This paper examines English creative writing as taught to EFL learners in China, touching upon the relevant teaching rationales and methods, and the stepped learning procedures of comprehension, imitation and creation. My students’ creative writing outcomes showcase their sensitiveness, imaginativeness and creativeness. The uniqueness and significance of a well-structured English creative writing course just lie in the fact that it follows the general line of humanistic education; it enhances the overall quality of EFL learners’ self-expression in English. At its best, an English creative writing course might help EFL learners create an eye for beauty, a taste for verbal art, and a voice of self-expression for themselves; it might also help them create links between writers and readers, between feelings and meanings; it might help them create channels of intercultural communication as well.




  • Sui Gang Beijing Second Foreign Language University, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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