

복지국가에서의 사회정의, 분배정의에 대한 재검토


Social Justice and Distributional Justice in Welfare State: A Re-examination


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper attempts to re-examine the relationship between welfare state and social justice, focusing on the implications and limits of ‘distributional justice’. As a result of this review, I would like to argue as follows. First, it is possible to define social justice in welfare state which has universalistic character, although it has relativistic character with the changes of time. Second, the contents of social justice in modern welfare state are not systematic and concrete in comparison with other political ideas, such as constitutional monarchy, liberal democracy, socialism. Third, the definition of social justice in welfare state as distributional justice(for example Rawls) turns a blind eye to the basic structure of capitalist society, although it can have temporary importance from the strategical point of view. It has limits to the theoretical, practical contributions which lead to reduce the gap between classes especially in quality. Forth, if social justice in welfare state aims more freedom and equality without alienation, its ultimate orientation should be over the capitalist relations of production.


1. 머리말
 2. 복지국가에서의 사회정의
  2.1 복지국가와 사회정의 간의 관계
  2.2 복지국가에서의 사회정의: 내용의 모호성
 3. 복지국가에서의 분배정의-롤즈 이론의 한계
 4. 복지국가가 지향해야 할 사회정의
 5. 맺음말


  • 윤도현 Yoon, Do-Hyun. 꽃동네대학교 사회복지학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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