

TEFL in Pakistan: Emerging Issues


Sabiha Mansoor

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The study investigates whether students have sufficient language support in English in higher education by exploring the background of students, the facilities for English, the language needs and motivation of students for higher education, work, and information technology, the availability and quality of English language courses, and the students’ language outcomes. A ‘multi-method’ approach was adopted where a Sociolinguistic Survey was combined with Case Study to obtain both quantitative and qualitative data. The findings of the study reveal the gap between the English language needs of students in higher education and the availability and quality of English support programmes. The results display the importance attached to English in higher education by students who show a strong desire and motivation to learn English, and display highly positive attitudes to English. The results reveal that the present language policy is leading to a significant difference between private sector and public sector students’ ability to access higher education with the public sector lagging behind. Recommendations are to adopt an ‘English for All’ policy.


  Higher Education and English Language Teaching
  The Importance of English
  Language Attitudes and Motivation
  Research Design
  Data Collection
  Issues of Access and Equity
  ELT Reforms in Higher Education


  • Sabiha Mansoor Aga Khan University, Pakistan


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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