

이호철 자전적 소설 연구


Research on Lee, Ho-cheol’s autobiographical novel


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Writer Lee, Ho-cheol embodies the division of Korean peninsular through a specific sense of reality. The general assessment of him as a writer is usually interpreted as a ‘displaced writer’ or a ‘defected writer’. These words not only describe his life well but also help to predict his tendency of works. Most nonfictional narrative usually revolves around a writer’s real experience, and in particular, Lee’s works have a strong tendency towards autobiographical one. He engaged himself on writing novels as a witness and a victim throughout the swirls of Korean history. Therefore, this paper is to point out that his works are not free from his own original memories. Especially, when the experience is a historical one that can control a person’s life, it takes a dominant position. Considering his experience was interlocked in 1950’s, a special time period, most important factors forming his works would be the Korean war, being displaced and the division of Two Koreas. The starting point of Lee’s novel is a cruelty of the reality of post-war era. Most of all, Lee is concerned on a general issue on human nature as well as a special factor-a division after the war. Since his theme-the loss of hometown-is derived from his own experience, it continues to lie at the root of Lee’s works.


I. 서론 및 연구사
 II. 체험의 형상화
 III. 결론


  • 김은아 Kim, Eun-ah. 홍익대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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