

한국여성대하소설을 통해본 ‘여성의 가문의식’ 연구 -『토지』와 『혼불』을 중심으로


Study of women’s family consciousness by Korean female novel -focused on Park Kyung-ri’s 『To-ji』and Choi Myung-hee’s 『Hon-bull』


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study begins from the fact that Confucian norms are still operating in contemporary Korean society, and the jongga (head lineage family) plays a great part here by keeping traditional norms and rituals as an ideal model for the kinship group. From a feminist perspective, this study examines Confucian morality internalized in the Korean woman’s femininity and its contemporary implications by reference to the jongbu’s life. The story of Park Kyung-ri’s 『To-ji』(The Land) Choi Myung-hee’s 『Hon-bull』goes on in a particular historical case, Japanese colonial era, and the beginning of modern ages, which was mostly by foreign influence, in the closing days of Joseon. 『To-ji』’s historical background and those space in 1897 to 1945 has the meaning of suppression as well with release and undergo changes. In these particular matter, the paternal ancestral line, which is the traditional family concept of Korea, doesn’t shows a big influence. This is because of the historical period of Japanese colonial era when Japanese tried to avoid the fact of patriarchal system. The story of 『To-ji』is mostly about women who take care of their home because of the absence of men. In other words, women are the main subject of story, not the surroundings. Not only Choi champan ga, known best for Choi Seo Hee, but Lee’s Boosa daek, Bok-Dong’ne(Bok-Dong’mother), Mak-ddal’ne(Mak-ddal’ mother) etc also shows the home of matriarchal which mother becomes the authority. These kind of Matrilineal family system is also lodged in 『Hon-bull』which has Confucian veiw of world. 『Hon-bull』as well starts the story in the time of closing period of Joseon, when the modern times shows a sign by foreign power. But unlike Seo hee from 『To-ji』who is a progressive woman, Madame Cheong-am, Hyo won and In-wol’s deak are all still captured in patriarchal system. They’re the heroines who lives in the colonial era which comes after Joseon but still didn’t free their self’s from feudalism. However, we can’t conclude that their sacrifice and devotion to their in-laws are simply because of patriarchy. Madame Cheong-am, who represents the patricentric jongbu in 『Hon-bull』, gets over the process of endurance by traditional jongbu’s sense and raise up the family, but this also means finding her identity. Hyo won also goes through the tough time of humiliation and sense of loss but eventually accepts everything and overcome those times. This can be shown as progressive jongbu’s life by keeping the family with her son , and at the same time finding her identity.


Ⅰ. 서론-모계 가족서사와 모성성
 Ⅱ. 인간 존엄과 가문의식-『토지』
 Ⅲ. 전통의 계승과 자기극복의 종부의식-『혼불』
 IV.. 결론


  • 김순례 Kim, Soon-rye. 경희대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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