


The Challenge for Art|Education : The Digitalized World of New Media


jan jagodzinski

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Digitalization has changed the meaning and reception of the image. As a result, time and the body have become issues. This essay explores this change and attempts to question what this means for art|educationBy using a straight line to separate art and education [art|education] is to imply that art and its education are intimately implicated as equal partners. by exploring the changes that eventually led up to the digital image: photography and then cinema. I then raise the importance of the French philosopher Henri Bergson for his understanding of the “moving image,” and what that means for perception, especially his notion of time as durée. I show how art becomes as event by illustrating this through three examples. First, is the notion that art has become “liquid,” as theorized by the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. Then to illustrate the affective body, I turn to Grace Jones’s video called “Corporate Cannibal” and a CNN news of a girl being stoned in Iraq to question the way news media presents violence.


 The Frameless Image
 Liquid Art
 Video Affect
  Play video
 Media Violence
 Can One Conclude?


  • jan jagodzinski Univeristy of Alberta, Canada


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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