

몽골 및 동북아시아 논문

Монголын дэлгүүгазрынбайршил, түүхандах хэрэглэгчийн зан төсудалгаа


Research in Consumer Behavior concerned with Store Location

О.Ядамсү, В.Сампил

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper showes the general understanding of retail location, one of the important decision in the framework of retailing marketing management, and findings of the consumer behavior survey analysis to assess store location. The location of the retail store is the main indication of customers needs to save time by getting service at the nearest point and makes advantages to compete with other similar stores. Before the transition of Mongolia into the market economy, authorities set the location of the commercial centers based on density of the area and capacity of the store. And according to the special regulation, they establish the stores where you can buy goods for primary necessities, close to densely populated areas. After 1990s, it is considered that the authorities have failed to maintain the urban planning policy. This makes it hard for the businessmen to decide the rational location of new branches. Therefore, in the following article we have analyzed the result of the research that examined the current situation of the retail stores in Mongolia and customer's attitude towards it.


 I. Introduction
 II. Research for consumer behaviour and it’s results
 III. Conclusions


  • О.Ядамсү Otgonsuren Yadamsuren. Department of Marketing and International Trade, Ph.D.
  • В.Сампил Burmaa Sampil. School of Economic Studies, National University of Mongolia, Ph.D student.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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