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수출을 고려한 무인항공기 연구개발 활성화 방안


Revitalization of Unmanned Aircraft System R&D for export

서강원, 최석철

피인용수 : 2(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The importance of the unmanned aircraft system research and development (UAS-R&D) can be emphasized in two areas. On the military aspect, UAS is the core weapon system for future warfare. On the economic aspect, UAS-R&D functions as one of the growth factors of national economy. Although these two aspects seem to contradict each other, they can be archived concurrently through export. The aerospace industry is directly related to air power, while the economy of scale is indispensable for the advancement of the aerospace industry both in quality and in quantity. To achieve economy of scale, the revitalization of the export is essential, as this can similarly accomplish the economic and military situation. This paper thus reviews the status of research and development for the unmanned aircraft system in our country and suggests an alternative to revitalize the UAS-R&D for export.


 1. 서론
 2. 무인항공기 체계에 대한 고찰
 3. 주요국 무인항공기 개발 동향
 4. 국내 무인항공기 연구개발 분석
 5. 무인항공기 연구개발 활성화 방안
 6. 결론


  • 서강원 Seo, Kang Won. 국방대학교 무기체계전공 석사과정
  • 최석철 Choi, Seok Cheol. 국방대학교 무기체계전공 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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