

Improvements in Truant Child through Art Therapy and Purifying Therapy




I implemented art therapy and administered Okada Purifying Therapy for a truant female child (8) and her mother (36) for five months. From the start, I quickly saw more mental instability in the mother than in the truant child through art therapy (drawing therapy). This suggested that the influence of the mother’s mental state was one reason for the child’s truancy. Accordingly, I implemented art therapy at regular intervals while administering Purifying Therapy at least once every other day for the mother in addition to the child.
As I continued administering Purifying Therapy and implementing art therapy for the mother and child, the child began to go to school in the morning or afternoon, and reached the point of attending school all day. The child eventually began attending school every day. At the same time, the mother began to take part in social activities, which was a departure from the daily strain of personal and family matters, and participate positively in volunteer activities.
I was able to see that the environment of the child and parent can be improved by implementing art therapy and administering Purifying Therapy.


 Subject and methods
  1. Research subjects
  2. Substance of Korean art therapy
  3. Okada Purifying Therapy


  • Koichi Ikegami 1Gyokusenkai Medical Foundation MOA Nagoya Clinic, MOA International
  • Sun-Hyun Kim CHA University, Pocheon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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