Drinking Behaviors Linked to Sexual Intercourse
Objectives: Recent surveys indicate that smoking, alcohol consumption, and sexual intercourse in adolescents have been increasing steadily in South Korea. This study seeks to examine relationships with socio-demographic variables, smoking, drinking behavior (early onset of drinking, drinking amount and drinking problems) and sexual intercourse among high school students in Korea. Methods: The 2010 Korean Youth Health Risk Behavior Survey, a nationwide dataset collected by the Korean Center for Disease Control, was used for analyses. The data contained a total of 35,668 (18,435 girls, 17,233 girls) high school students. Results: Results: The rate of alcohol drinking experience and current alcohol drinkers were 67.9% and 29.7%, respectively. The prevalence of the problem drinking (defined as 2 or more points in the CRAFFT) among current drinkers was 44.6%. The prevalence of sexual intercourse 7.3% (10.3 % for boys and 4.0 % for girls) The factors that affected sexual intercourse were sex, grade, self-reported academic performance, economic status, current smoker, drinking amount and problem drinking. Conclusion: An analysis of a large national representative sample of Korean high school students confirmed the previous research regarding the relationship between alcohol behaviors and sexual intercourse. Intervention and prevention efforts for unwanted sexual intercourse should integrate risk factors such as smoking and alcohol problems. Health education should be considered to establish a compulsory curriculum as part of the school curriculum to offer health education systematically and comprehensively.
II. 연구 방법
III. 연구결과 및 논의
IV. 논의 및 결론